Survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking and sexual assault are able to lead lives free of violence, and have access to services when needed.
YWCA Kalamazoo’s Victim Services Programs supports survivors of violence from their emergency-immediate needs to future safety plans. We have dedicated staff members to work individually with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking to assist them with their healing process. Advocates meet with survivors to discuss current needs and to refer them to resources and services throughout the community. Additionally, advocates assist with safety planning, court appearance, filling protective orders etc. When it is safe to do so, we try to meet clients where they are.
Domestic Violence Program
YWCA Kalamazoo provides free, safe shelter for up to five weeks for victims of domestic violence (intimate partner violence) and their dependent children. Any survivors of domestic violence who identify as women are eligible to stay on-site at our Emergency Shelter. Food, personal needs items, clothing, and emergency transportation are provided to Emergency Shelter residents.
Sexual Assault Program
YWCA Kalamazoo is the only provider of Sexual Assault Nurse Exams (SANE) in the county. We offer highly trained, specialized and consistent service delivery to rape victims/survivors without age restriction through a medical forensic examination done in a non-hospital environment, on-site at the YWCA Kalamazoo. YWCA Kalamazoo SANEs are confidential. Our nurse examiners provide uninterrupted exams in a quiet, private, and comforting examination room. For emergency medical situations, our SANE nurses will conduct exams at area hospitals. SANEs are free to all survivors of sexual assault.
SAKI: Sexual Assault Kit Initiative
YWCA Kalamazoo is in partnership with the prosecutor’s office to support survivors as old rape kits are being tested. Kalamazoo was a hot spot for kits that were backlogged and not tested. Now as they begin to go through the testing process we provide the needed support to survivors.
Human Trafficking Program
YWCA Kalamazoo opened the first shelter in Michigan for labor and sex trafficking survivors including women, men and gender non-conforming people. We provide supportive services including legal, advocacy, case management and therapy.
In 2018, we provided free and confidential services to 29 Clients who were affected by human trafficking.
Therapy Program
If you are a victim or survivor of domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking and are interested in individual therapy, please call us to schedule a
therapy intake at 269.345.5595 ext. 346.
Due to high demand there is currently a waitlist for our therapy services. Check out this helpful guide of other available services and resources available to you.