As your community allies in Kalamazoo, YWCA Kalamazoo has different news and events that you can stay up to date on and see all the latest things we’ve been doing to promote systems change. From our regular services to events every month, there’s always something going on at YWCA Kalamazoo. If you see any news or events listed you would like to learn more about, don’t hesitate to reach out on our contact page and get involved with social justice services!
YWCA will offer 24/7 childcare inside Edison neighborhood development
When YWCA CEO Grace Lubwama moved to Kalamazoo five years ago she immediately saw the need for more childcare because she herself couldn’t find a daycare without a waitlist.
“Even as a chief executive I couldn’t find childcare,” she said. “I couldn’t even get my kids in the [YWCA] Children’s Center
Safer at Home? Domestic Violence Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic
This article discusses victims’
experiences in seeking help during the pandemic through anecdotal
case examples from a victim’s rights attorney and provides
thoughts on what attorneys and courts can do to assist
victims in reaching safety in the months ahead while virtual
court hearings and remote l
YWCA in Kalamazoo creates ‘career pathway’ to staff 24-hour childcare center
YWCA is partnering with Kalamazoo Literacy Council and Southwest Child Care Resource to create a pathway into early childhood education employment that will also meet the needs of a new childcare center planned for the community.